Claire Molloy, Lifestyles Editor
Hello! My name is Claire Molloy. I am a junior and this is my second year on the Dart. This year, I am a page designer and the Lifestyles Editor in addition to still being a writer. I am moving on up in this world. I love journalism because you are responsible for letting people know what is going on, or giving them a more in depth look that they may have otherwise never seen. When I’m not doing homework or at school, you could probably find me babysitting, listening - and singing along - to an odd mix of music or watching historical documentaries. I love to fill my head with useless facts that never fail to surprise and amaze people. I also love, to my parents' dismay, to fill my room with as many free things as I can get. Traveling is probably my favorite thing to do because I love to go new places and learn new things. It may also have something to do with the fact that I am a very lively person who is either constantly talking or moving… or both!