Looking for Love: Bachelor #2

by Mary Hilliard, Editor in Chief

Bachelor #2

Favorite movie/book: 
– Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Hairspray, Shrek 2, Harry Potter series, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Lilo & Stitch, Clueless, Mean Girls
Celebrity look alike: 
– A lot of people say I look like Beyoncé but it’s only at a certain angle and in the right lighting.
Ideal date:
– Go to the Renaissance Festival or Worlds of Fun and eat a lot of Chinese food.
Celebrity crush:
– Prince Harry
Go to Netflix show:
– It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Malcolm in the Middle, Scrubs, Parks and Rec, 30 Rock, Portlandia, UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT.
Three words to describe you:
– “Cheeky, assertive, spontaneous” – Aaron Brown, Improv Co-Pres.
– Reading, improv, theatre, DIY, murder mystery events, eating, shopping.
 If you were stranded on an island- what books/movies do you bring:
– I would only bring my dog, Max. For comfort and food, if necessary.
Partner in zombie apocalypse:
– John Cena
Night owl or early bird:
– Night owl, hoot hoot 😉
Trade places with someone for a day:
-John Godfrey
Harry Potter House:
– Slytherpuff
Zodiac sign:
– Aries-Pisces Cusp
Meyer Briggs personality test type:
Favorite animal:
– Manatee. I can relate.
One place that’s on your bucket list:
– Tokyo
Favorite food:
–  Chinese
First email username:
– ********@amdg.rockhursths.edu Haha I was so crazy back then! so embarrassing lol (has been edited for confidentiality)
Which Friends character are you:
– I feel like I’m a mix of all of the female characters and Chandler. But I am 0% Ross.
Disney or Nick:
– How can I choose?! I would have to say Nick because of Ned’s Declassified, Avatar, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, and Zoey. Zack, Cody, and Raven will always hold a special place in my heart though :,(
Thing you notice first about a person:
– Their face and then thighs, arms, and butt in that order.
Favorite holiday:
– Christmas, for the music and gift giving
Most played song on your iPod:
– iPod? Do I look like Mary Todd Lincoln? My most played song on my SPOTIFY account is Bop to the Top.
If you could see any person (living or dead) in concert:
– Amy Winehouse
Super power: 
– Healing or the eternal power of reincarnation
Pet peeve:
– I absolutely HATE judgmental people!
Read about the other participants here: