Looking for Love: Bachelor #3

by Mary Hilliard, Editor in Chief

Favorite Movie:
-Warrior (for personal / sentimental reasons) followed by Goodwill Hunting
Favorite Book:
-On the Road by Jack Kerouac
Celebrity Look-a-like:
-Adam Scott (Ben from Parks and Rec) or so I’ve been told; I kinda see it
What I Look for in a Girl:
-A good smile, someone who’s personable, easy to talk with, very honest, reads a lot, likes to talk about books, writes (getting too specific at the end here, sorry)
Ideal Date:
-Frisbee in the park (girl has to know how to throw a frisbee, but if she doesn’t it’s okay), picnic style meal (it’s late spring btw), nap, leave the park, get ice cream, watch the sunset on a porch swing, talk and hang out till it’s time to take her home
Celebrity Crush:
-Selena Gomez if we’re talking just a one-time thing; Blake Lively for a wife.
Go-To Netflix Show:
-Parks and Rec, but mainly just episodes focused on Ron
3 Words To Describe Yourself (I asked other people):
-Caring, funny, nice guy
-Reading, getting coffee with friends, occasional parties, writing, napping, bowling
Favorite Things:
-General things- laughing to the point of tears with / at a good friend, sunrises, live music, showers, skiing (I’ve only been once, though)
-Specific Things- studying to soundtracks of movies, nights on a boat on a lake, the sound my dog sometimes makes when he moves in his sleep, a clean car, un-congested sinuses, a good haircut, clear skin, ice cold milk, opening the window on a cold night and using a bunch of blankets in bed
Stranded on an Island:
-For movies, I’d bring Cast Away just to be witty, I’d also bring Dead Poets Society and Goodwill Hunting (s/o Robin Williams); For books, I’d bring Ulysses by James Joyce (never read it but I’d have plenty of time to if I were stranded on and island) and The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
Partner in Zombie Apocalypse:
-Jack Franke, we get along well; but if the zombies are very aggressive, I’d have to rethink my decision. Neither me nor Jack are great fighters, so let’s hope for some passive, sleep-walking zombies
Night Owl or Early Bird:
– Night Owl; I’ve tried to be a morning person, but it’s just not in me
Trade Places With Someone for a Day:
-Rob Dyrdek (as long as I’m not being filmed), I love how the guy just does whatever he wants, is a successful entrepreneur, a really nice guy, and he knows how to have fun
College Plans:
-As much as I hate this question, I’m at the mercy of this survey. I’ve got it narrowed down to Marquette, Loyola Chicago, and Arkansas. I really like Marquette and they have a good English program (I’d like to major in English), if it works out money wise, I’d love to go there.
Harry Potter House:
-Ravenclaw, not sure how or why
Zodiac Sign:
-Libra (I hate this, btw. Hope that’s not a problem)
Meyers-Briggs Personality:
-This is a much better method of finding out who you are, in my opinion. ENFP tried and true.
Favorite Animal:
-Donkeys, fat pigs, and cows are hilarious, but dogs are the closest to my heart
One Place on My Bucket List:
-Redwood Forest, sounds like a hell of an experience
Favorite Food:
-Seafood Pasta in the Virgin Islands was the best meal I’ve ever had, but if we’re talking just favorite food, I love a good BLT with avocado and mayo, not too much bacon, though
First Email Username:
-This one’s a doozie. Backstory: I “needed” to create an email because gmail was all the rave in 6th grade. Knowing that my mother would kill me if she knew I had one, I came up with an alias after much thought. His name–Michael Flink. Which, naturally, resulted in the still-active gmail account: [email protected]. Laugh all you want, she still has no clue.
Which Friends Character Am I?:
-Full disclosure, I’m not even gonna act like I’m familiar with the show. I think one of their names is Joey? Let’s go with him, then.
Disney or Nick:
-Disney when I was a kid, Nick right now. I can’t handle the shows that Disney is plugging these days. Nick still shows SpongeBob and Fairly-Odd Parents and occasionally Jimmy Neutron (all favorites).
Thing I Notice First About a Person:
-Teeth, can’t help it.
Favorite Holiday:
-Groundhog Day. Don’t even get me started about how much I love Punxetawney Phil. I’m laughing just thinking about it
Most Played Song on My iPod:
-A Lion’s Heart by The Tallest Man on Earth
If I Could See Anyone in Concert:
-The Strokes
Super Power:
-Photographic memory without all the weirdness that comes with it (sorry to anyone with a photographic memory)
Pet Peeves:
-I have plenty. When people correct other people’s grammar too often, when people use big words for no reason, specifically, when people use the word “plethora,” when people pick their nose in my car (like, seriously?), when someone asks me to grab them something when I’m sitting down, when the last sentence of an essay goes onto another page, when a 10 minute nap turns into a 4 hour hibernation, dudes with too much school spirit, people who snapchat every single thing that happens, when my Chapstick goes through the wash, mouth-breathers, or just people who walk around with their mouths open, annoying couples at an ice-skating rink, bro-tanks, Sperry’s + no socks + pants, “You don’t watch [insert popular tv show]?!”, when someone scrolls through their vines with the volume on full blast…that’s all I’ve got for now.
Read about the other participants here:
Bachelorette #1
Bachelorette #2
Bachelorette #3
Bachelorette #4
Bachelor #1
Bachelor #2
Bachelor #4