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The student news site of St. Teresa's Academy


The student news site of St. Teresa's Academy


The student news site of St. Teresa's Academy


Mary Massman

Mary Massman, BNS and News Editor

Welcome! My name is Mary Massman and I am the news editor, a writer and a page designer for The Dart. When I’m not working on the newspaper, I like to spend my time golfing, taking my dog for walks or reading about something new. This is my third year on The Dart, and I’ve loved getting to spend my time writing, filming and photographing so many parts of the STA community. I hope you enjoy my work and I’m excited to make my last year the best yet!


All content by Mary Massman
Freshman Rosemary Porto has taken up the hobby of bullet journaling in her free time Nov. 13. Filled with holiday countdowns, mood trackers and little doodles, it helps express creativity. photo by Becca Speier

Journaling Club revitalizes reflection

by Mary Massman, News Editor
November 26, 2019
Give Taylor Swift more credit

Give Taylor Swift more credit

by Mary Massman, News Editor
October 22, 2019

Stargazer: Jenna Fetters

by Mary Massman, News Editor
September 20, 2019

Lorna Green gives presidential advice

by Mary Massman, Breaking News Editor
May 3, 2019
Part-time jobs build practical skills

Part-time jobs build practical skills

by Mary Massman, Breaking News Editor
February 19, 2019
Sophomores Abby Farmer, from left, Georgia Winfield, Elizabeth Torrey, Anna Albritton and Morgan Mos pose for a picture at Districts Feb. 6. photo courtesy of Georgia Winfield

FBLA competes at Districts

by Mary Massman, Breaking News Editor
February 7, 2019
We Should All Live La Vita Semplice

We Should All Live La Vita Semplice

by Mary Massman, Breaking News Editor
October 18, 2018
Junior Genesis Jeffries talks to fellow members of Girls for Social Awareness Club Aug. 28. GSA club offered stickers to interested students. photo by Mary Massman

Gallery: Club Fair

by Mary Massman, Breaking News Editor
September 6, 2018
Support your local animal shelter

Support your local animal shelter

by Mary Massman, Lifestyles Editor
March 28, 2018
Students listen intently to speaker Martin Okpareke of the Jewish Vocational Service as he addresses struggles with refugee resettlement during the Women’s Symposium March 3. Librarian Carrie Jacquin began the Women’s Symposium to help students understand the work activists do in the community. photo courtesy of Brad Lewis

Women’s Symposium shares untold stories

by Mary Massman, Lifestyles Editor
March 4, 2018
Students watch guest dancer Vanessa Gibbs demonstrate a West African dance Feb. 8. Gibbs has taught West African dance since 1987. photo by Mary Massman

Dance club sponsors West African dance class

by Mary Massman, Lifestyles Editor
February 13, 2018
Sophomores Anne Chapman, left, and Anna Swanson prepare for their presentations at FBLA districts Feb. 2. photo by Mary Massman

FBLA competes at Districts

by Mary Massman, Lifestyles Editor
February 6, 2018
Creating calligraphy

Creating calligraphy

by Mary Massman, Lifestyles Editor
February 2, 2018
A representative from Operation Breakthrough talks to juniors Olivia Thomas and Caitlin Lester about what their agency does. photo by Mary Massman

Junior class attends annual service fair

by Mary Massman, Lifestyles Editor
September 29, 2017
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