Finals study tips

The stress of final exams can be minimized by utilizing study strategies for the upcoming tests.

by Anna Hafner

With final exams rapidly approaching, St. Teresa’s students are panicked about time management and study techniques. There are many important things to remember when preparing for finals to keep your mind and body performing at their full potential. I have devised a list of critically important study tips and suggestions to help you breeze through this stressful time!


1. Get organized.

First, gather all of your study materials.Take the time to identify valuable notes and complete study guides. Going through everything now is worth it in the long run when you have a complete set of study supplies. Color code, make “to-do” lists and print off materials.


2. Determine which study methods work best for you.

Do hand-written note cards or Quizlet work better for you? Is your style of study based more on highlighting or note taking? Are online tutorials and explanations like Crash Course videos beneficial for you? Ask yourself similar questions to help decide the best way for you to focus, and accomplish the maximum amount of quality studying.


3. Mix up study environments.

Change locations at home, try going to the library or even forming a study group with friends. No matter what, it is important to change locations during long periods of studying in order to stay focused and alert.


4. Take small breaks from studying.

Don’t overload your brain with information all at once! Take small breaks to help keep yourself attentive to information. Go for a walk, stretch or talk with a family member or friend. Then, quiz yourself to make sure you remember the information studied before the break.


5. Know your finals schedule.

Know what time your finals are and how much time you have in between them. Don’t forget to bring study materials to school if you plan to stay in between finals. Set multiple alarms for the morning, and keep track of the time during the day.


6. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.

Fuel your body with nutritious foods and drinks to help keep you alert and full. Smoothies are a great option for early mornings or late evenings. Focus on natural ingredients to help keep yourself energized. Energy supplements, such as Five Hour Energy, are not a good idea, especially if you have never tried them before. If you have two finals on the same day, try to eat a snack in between.


7. Keep calm.

Take a deep breath before starting your test. You can do this!