It’s a Mad, Mad, Madi World: A Long Ride to the Rooftop
It’s a long ride to the rooftop – but the view sure is great.
November 14, 2014
7:46 p.m.: We walk down a brightly lit hallway. Hotel rooms surround us on either side.
“Do you know where to go?” my cousin Mary Catherine asks me.
“I think so…” I respond. Last year, I had come early with the guest of honor, so I’m not quite sure how close we are to the – the lobby! Here we are!
“Now where?”
“The elevator. Come on, I hear voices.”
And sure enough, there’s a group of at least 20 people waiting impatiently to ride to the rooftop and join the party.

7:51 p.m.: When we finally make it to the top floor, the party has just begun.

I glance around for Mackenzie. She’s probably busy, I think. I mean, it is her 15th birthday party.
I marvel at the gorgeous decor, then dash to the food room. What do they have this year? Last year there was fondue, and chicken, and popcorn, and – WHAT IS THIS? FRIED MAC & CHEESE?! MAC & CHEESE THAT HAS BEEN FRIED!? I grab four and sit down to stuff my face.
Suddenly, with a flash, I stand up, practically knocking over my chair. My friends are here!
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8:14 p.m.: We eat some more, then walk out to the dance floor. Looking back on that night, I see that was my first mistake.
8:16 p.m.: My stomach hurts. Maybe I shouldn’t have had four mac & cheese balls… Too late now, I guess. I suck it up and keep dancing. This is too fun to stop.
8:18 p.m.: My feet hurt. Wearing uncomfortable heels was my second mistake. I toss them into the pile of heels and bags in the corner.
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9:03 p.m.: Oh, wait! The Royals game!
“Where’s the Royals game?” I ask.
“Kaffman Stadium?”
I sigh. Deeply.
“No, I mean where are the TVs?”
“The other room.”
There’s another room? I walk across the hall and find a third room. This wasn’t here last year… Ooh, a photo booth! There are so many things at this party; I’m not quite sure what to do next.
9:25 p.m.: It’s a bit of a blur. Eating, dancing, getting exhausted, dancing again… At one point, I’m standing on a folding chair in the photo booth with my theater friends for about 10 minutes while the person running the booth fixes the computer.
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11:47 p.m.: The night winds down, and we all head out. As I wait for my ride, I think about tonight. Sure, it was absolutely exhausting, but it was completely worth it. It’s a long ride to the rooftop – but the view sure is great.