Humans of STA
Students from the STA student body all have an underlying story that makes them unique. This cycle the Dart is covering Junior Grace Stordhal’s jewelry business, Senior Audrey Erdman’s new music and Senior Audrey Flavin’s car.
September 29, 2021
Audrey Erdman:

What inspired you to produce this song and why?
Honestly, my inspiration came from my friends. I showed them the song I had written, and they were speechless. They told me if I didn’t produce this song, they would be so mad. My friend Olivia was the one to call the studio because I was too nervous! I have always written music, starting at like seven years old. It’s been a dream of mine to produce my own music, but I never felt that it could be possible. I have a songbook filled with probably 50 songs through the past 10 years. They have definitely gotten better as I’ve aged!
Grace Stordahl:
What inspired you to start this business, and about how many sales have you had?
I started watching necklace making on TikTok, and it seemed fun so I decided to order beads and see if I could sell them. So far I have around 15 sales, which was slow at first, but now with students here ordering, it is starting to spread that I have a business. It has even reached Notre Dame de Sion, which I would say is successful. I get excited every time someone orders.

Audrey Flavin:
Do you think your blue slug bug is an essential part of you, and why?
I think my car is an essential part of me! I feel like I have incorporated my car into my personality, and I also have decorated my car with stickers to fit my personality.