Star Spotlight: Ha Truong
Freshmen Ha Truong moved to Kansas City from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam to attend STA for her four years.
Freshmen Ha Truong poses with a card she bought in Vietnam before coming to Kansas City Aug 31. Truong arrived in the United States over the summer. photo by Maggie Hart
September 17, 2018
Where did you live before you came to Kansas City?
Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City.
What was your lifestyle like in Ho Chi Minh?
I live with my uncle and aunt, so they go to work every day. Over the weekend, they are busy so I stay home. Before school, I went to Minnesota to visit my relatives. I visited my aunt-in-law in Minnesota. I went to the waterfall, parks and the biggest mall. We went somewhere to work outside. We can hang out whenever or wherever we want.
What activities were you involved in at home?
In Vietnam, I play basketball, badminton and I practice swimming.
How was your school at home different than St. Teresa’s?
I used to study in government school for six years. Then I moved to international school for two years. In government school, we study from 5:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and we go back home. For the next grade we studied from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. School in Vietnam started at 7:30 a.m. because I studied at international school, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. One period is 45 minutes and we have lunch for 30 minutes. Teachers switch for classes not students. Students sit for the whole day. We then have a nap for 45 minutes in the classroom.
Why did you decide to come to St. Teresa’s?
My uncle found this school for me and it’s just girls so it’s very safe for me. Some schools I could study for just one year, but here I can study for four years.
What is the international application process like?
My uncle just talked to my parents and they decided to go to St. Teresa’s because it’s safe and is very big. This school is bigger than university in Vietnam.
How did you prepare for your transition to the Kansas City?
I put a few clothes in my suitcase and [packed] some spicy noodles.
What were your thoughts when you came to STA on the first day?
This school is very big, so I was a little bit confused and did not know where to go. [People] are very friendly and the teachers are very friendly.
What has been the hardest part of being a foreign student?
The English language. I’m Vietnamese so I studied Vietnamese when I was born. I just studied English for three or four years.
What activities would you like to be involved in at STA this year?
Maybe I will [join] dance club.
What are you most excited to experience in American culture?
[People] are nice and it is very clean.
What are your favorite elements of your lifestyle in Vietnam?
In Vietnam, it is very cheap. Some fashion in Vietnam is very expensive, like more than $20. Shoes are double expensive. Food is very cheap. My favorite food is Pho. [It has] some meat and some sauce in it. It has a good smell.