Statement from editors regarding recent events
Due to recent circumstances, the Dart wishes to remind its readers of certain staff policies and how they affect the Dart’s actions moving forward.

September 28, 2017
Dear readers,
As most of you probably know through either outside news sources or having heard through members of the community — a group of STA girls participated in an off-campus drinking game almost three weeks ago, where the cups were at one point formed into a swastika and posted on Snapchat. As there has been an increase in actions taken by members both inside and outside St. Teresa’s, we feel it’s important to inform you of the reasons behind what is and isn’t being reported on.
It is because of times like this that the Dart has a list of staff policies to guide our actions. We would like to remind our readers of some specific policies that apply to this situation.
One of the Dart’s basic policies states that “The staff of the Dart is subject to prior review by the STA administrative team (president, principal of academic affairs, principal of student affairs) in circumstances that concern student discipline (SBRs, detentions, suspensions, exclusion from the extracurricular activities)[…] and that concern student safety and illegal behaviors by students[…] If students believe their work on the newspaper approaches any of these standards, they have a duty to approach the advisor immediately to discuss.”
We have had recent discussions with STA president Nan Bone in which she agreed to some level of coverage on this subject. Starting this week, you will begin to see articles posted on DartNewsOnline covering what members of St. Teresa’s are doing to move forward from this incident. For a number of reasons, the students’ identities and consequences given by administration will remain confidential.
Please keep checking back in with DartNewsOnline in the coming week as we work to keep you informed over this subject.
Best regards,
Zoe Butler and Lily Manning
2017-18 Dart and DartNewsOnline Editors-in-Chief
If anyone has questions or concerns regarding the Dart’s coverage over these matters, please contact either Zoe Butler at [email protected] or Lily Manning at [email protected].
Linden O'Brien-Williams • Sep 28, 2017 at 7:15 pm
So proud of you both for fighting to publish. Editor-in-chiefdom ain’t easy — keep up the great work. Yaaaay free speech!