Top 10 things to do at STA in fall
St. Teresa’a has so many unique aspects, from pictures in our quad to a campus cat. Fall is the perfect time to utilize our campus.
Truman, the campus cat, sits on the steps of Donnelly Hall at St. Teresa’s Academy on Oct. 17. Truman can be seen daily around campus. photo by Meghan Baker
November 6, 2016
story by Claire Molloy
1. Go to Teresian – Teresian is a fun dance where you can see everyone actually dressed up nicely, warning: it is a little weird. If you don’t have a date, don’t worry it is just as fun without one. The best part is hanging out with your friends at the after party anyway.
2. Take cute pics with the trees/leaves in the quad with your friends – STA has such a pretty campus, especially this time of year. So take advantage of that and get some cute pictures with your friends to celebrate the great weather. They are a fun way to document your friendships through the years. They are also great for posting on social media because there are some seriously great puns for fall.
3. Hang with Truman – With the weather finally cooling down there will hopefully be some more yard days if it doesn’t get too cold too fast. This is the perfect (puuurrrrfect) time to spend some more time with our new campus cat.
4. Go to StarCups on a Friday morning – StarCups is only open on Friday mornings now, but Bistro has delicious breakfast treats now. Their pumpkin bread will be the perfect way to start an early Friday morning.
5. Cheer on the Stars at a home game – Our amazing basketball team will be starting up soon, and any of their home games would be a great way to show your school spirit and cheer on your friends. The Sion or Miege games are always a ton of fun, and we have really great themes.
6. Carve/decorate a pumpkin (or 3) with your advisory for the SCO contest – The pumpkin contest is a really great way to bond with your advisory. It is always so much fun to come up with an idea and try to pull it off. There are also always really creative ones, so it is super fun to look around at all of them.
7. Do a group costume with your friends, or a couples costume with your best friend on Halloween – It is so fun to dress up for Halloween at school. People always get really creative with their costumes. But I think the best costumes are the ones that are group or couples costumes. Everyone loves a good pairing, so why not one for a costume?
8. Bring what you signed up for and enjoy the Thanksgiving feast – Here at STA, we love our food. This is really shown with the Thanksgiving feast. Some advisories do them by themselves, others group together and there are even whole floor parties. So just a word of advice, DO NOT forget your food, or money or whatever you are bringing. No one will let you live that down. But also remember to have fun and eat your heart out.
9. Wear your raffle ticket sweatpants with a non-polo STA shirt/sweatshirt on Fridays – When the weather starts to really cool down, the best thing is wearing the sweatpants with a non-polo STA shirt and/or sweatshirt. This is the most comfortable (and warm) you will feel all year. You can also wear uggs with this for optimum comfort.
10. Help a teacher set up Halloween (and Christmas) decorations – It may be too late to help set up Halloween decorations, but right after Halloween, many more teachers put up their Christmas decorations. This is a great way to get in the holiday spirit and bond with your teachers. Listening to Christmas music is also a must for the decorating process, and some scented candles will really tie it all up in a nice bow. This is the perfect way to transition from fall to winter.
photos by Meghan Baker
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