Students, teachers attend advisory workshop

A small group of advisees met in the Commons for a workshop led by Mrs. McCormick.

The advisory workshop took place Sept. 7 in the commons. photo by Natalie Telep

by Natalie Telep, Staff Writer

Representatives from each advisory met in the Commons for an advisory workshop Sept. 7. Doughnuts were provided and students sat with their adviser at tables of two or three advisories each.

Principal of academic affairs Barbara McCormick led the workshop, stopping the conversation occasionally to give tips for communication within advisories. An announcement was made that introduced the new advisory prayer program. From now on, advisories will pray as a group Thursdays during advisory time, rather than hearing prayer over the intercom.

Students also discussed plans for advisory parties and celebrations for the coming year. These plans were to be shared with the other members of the advisory later in the week, or that day during mid-day advisory time. The workshop leaders emphasized the effort needed to make St. Teresa’s a better community through leadership and bonding within advisories. The advisory members who attended this workshop were given ideas and inspiration for making their advisories closer, especially across different grade levels.