The prepping behind the pep rally

President of Spirit Club Meg Rohr shares details of the behind the scenes process that goes into the pep rallies.

by Victoria Cahoon and Cassie Hayes

Senior president of Spirit Club, Meg Rohr gives an inside look on how the pep rallies are planned and presented for the rest of the STA community.

What’s Spirit Club’s main goal?

“Getting people excited, getting them to support everyone: the debate teams, FBLA and all the sports. To [help] amp them up because being in a group, and getting support helps you do better.”

How many times does Spirit Club meet to plan the pep rally?

“Around pep rallies we meet a couple times a week, and during filming week we meet almost everyday, so a lot.”

How long does it take to find and pick an idea?

“It takes a long time, we have to vote and a lot of times we have five or six options and we have to vote it down until we have one or two.”

What’s the preparation process before filming?

“We’ll usually have a Google document with the script so people look over it but a lot of times we don’t take a lot of time to practice before filming because it’s a lot funnier when it’s improv.

Can you describe the process of making the videos?

“First we decide what theme we’re gonna do, because we usually base it off a movie or a TV show and when we pick out a theme everyone has a say it’s not just what the seniors want but what everyone wants. Once we decide [the theme], we figure out who wants a big part, but anyone who wants a part,  gets a part. Then we start making a script that’s shared with everyone that wants a part and finally we start filming as soon as possible because usually we’re rushed, so it’s hectic and not very well organized, but it always works out.”

How much time does it take to create the entire skit plus edit?

“Overall, around a month, because from the time we start thinking about themes and then how long it takes to film, when not everyone can be there everyday. And then editing takes a long time on top of that.”

What’s the hardest part of planning the pep rallies?

“Agreeing on things, agreeing on themes and where to film and who gets what part, because it’s not one person that decides, everyone decides together. That’s why that part’s so hard, because everyone disagrees on different things, so it takes a long time to figure everything out.”

What’s the best part of doing the work?

“During filming when someone forgets their line and you just keep going and everyone’s laughing, it’s like being on SNL or something. Or it’s watching the video during the pep rally, and it’s your first time seeing it since you filmed it cause you never know which parts are going in.”

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