Sister Marianne Keena speaks at CSJ assembly

Sister Marianne Keena spoke at the CSJ assembly Friday on Spirit and Spirituality.

Students raise their arms, following the instructions of speaker Sister Marianne Keena on April 15. photo by Zoe Butler

by Zoe Butler, Social Media Editor

Last year, the CSJ Leadership Camp went to St. Louis to learn more about the roots of STA. They toured the Motherhouse, and learned about the original sisters of St. Joseph going as far back as LePuy,France in the 1600’s. Afterwards, Sister Marianne Keena gave a talk about the Spirit and Spirituality of the CSJ’s.

“The speech she gave is still one that I think about everyday I am at St. Teresa’s, therefore the campers and the leaders wanted to have her speak to the school so that the student body could hear her message, too,” CSJ member and junior Emma Swinney said.

It was that speech that gave the campers the idea to bring her to STA on April 15 for the Spirit and Spirituality Assembly.

“She’s gonna bring that spirituality and that formation to all of you and not just to the small group of us that went on that camp,” principal of academic affairs Barb McCormick said. “So all of the girls felt like you deserved the opportunity to hear her speak.”

Sister Marianne Keena kept the students entertained through her bright personality and use of props, posters, and even a small play. Each of her demonstrations had a message at the end, such as “actions speak louder than words.” Her message was that we must stay active in the community and keep our “feet on the street.”

“The Holy Spirit is given to us to be sure that we continue to be great lovers,” Sister Marianne Keena said.

Most students responded to this assembly with positive thoughts.

“I thought she had a great energy and way of expressing her love for the CSJ’s and her faith,” sophomore Sarah Schaefer said.