2015-16 News Feed Compilation: Issue 6
Current events from around the world, country, state and city.
Melissa Click in November during a confrontation with student journalists at a University of Missouri campus protest in Columbia, Mo. photo courtesy of the New York Times
March 1, 2016
In the world
Britain may decide to leave the European Union in a Jun. 23 vote. This issue has arisen due to British voters’ concerns of losing national authority, as the EU currently sets up to 55 percent of Britain’s laws. This withdrawal is allowed to happen through Article 50 of 2009’s Lisbon Treaty, which allows member states to leave the EU if it complies with the country’s constitutional requirements. Some suggest that Britain’s departure would have a domino effect on other members of the EU, while others believe that this could bring instability to America’s relations with Britain and the remaining members of the EU.
In the U.S.
In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, presidential candidate Donald Trump refused to disavow an endorsement by former KKK grand wizard David Duke. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists,” Trump said. In a press conference last Friday, however, Trump explicitly disavowed Duke, and he later tweeted a video of the event in response to Sunday’s controversy. Fellow GOP candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, in response to Trump’s statements, called him “unelectable” in a Sunday campaign event
In Missouri
University of Missouri assistant professor Melissa Click was fired Wednesday after a video of her attempting to block a student journalist during #ConcernedStudent1950 protests last fall was posted online. In the video, she grabbed the student’s camera and shouted, “Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.” The Mizzou Board of Curators voted Wednesday night to dismiss her, but stated in the decision that she could appeal.
In Kansas City
To celebrate Leap Day, members of the Red Bull Air Force went skydiving from an aircraft five thousand feet high to the grounds of the Liberty Memorial. This is the second time the team has taken this jump on Leap Day; in 2012, they jumped from Detroit; Lake Tahoe, Calif.; Las Vegas; Atlantic City, N.J. and Miami.