Campus Ministry makes additions to the department
Campus Ministry begins Rosary prayer services and plans for a new mission trip in 2016.
Two tapestries portraying the Passion of Christ hang in the Campus Ministry office. The room features an abundance of religious artwork. photo by Meg Thompson
September 26, 2015
The freshman retreat this fall will be a day of service held Oct. 14. The class of 2019 will take a field-trip to two remnant prairies in Kansas City: Shawnee Mission Park and Jerry Smith Prairie. They will hand-collect native wildflower and grass seed all while learning about the remnant prairies. Seed collected will be processed during the winter and replanted on nearby prairie restorations, which Snyder claims will “help expand and diversify the native plants for the benefit of wildlife, pollinators and people”.
STA parent Ann Hodes began leading Rosaries before school Sept. 24. She will continue to do so every Thursday morning at 7:15am for the remainder of the school year. All students are welcome.
STA is now offering a mission trip to Jerusalem Farm in the summer of 2016. The exact dates of the trip will not be confirmed until after Nov. 1, and from there registration will begin.