Campus Ministry sponsors Catholic Schools Week
The week of Jan. 26-30 was Catholic Schools Week at STA. It included school wide assemblies and dress down days.
February 15, 2015
story by Mary Hilliard, photos by Maggie Knox and Meg Thompson
Catholic Schools Week occurred at St Teresa’s the week of Jan. 26-30. This nationwide event is “the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States,” according to the National Catholic Education Association.
“It’s meant to celebrate the benefits of Catholic schools and take an opportunity to look at how we appreciate specifically going to a Catholic school and the ways that enriches our lives,” Campus Ministry director Meredith Snyder said.
Snyder and the Campus Ministry team helped plan the week’s activities. Each day featured an event in honor of Catholic Schools Week.
On Monday, all students attended an assembly about diversity at STA. It featured a presentation on diversity and inclusion by the Star Galaxy Committee members Dr. Marion Pierson and Mrs. Michelle Wimes as well as a student panel.
During activity period on Tuesday, students could go to the auditorium to see the STA Singers choir perform music for their upcoming competition. Students also could wear Catholic Schools Week t-shirts designed by Campus Ministry.
Students who had paid $3 dressed down Wednesday for the “America” theme. There was also a yard day because of the 70 degree weather.
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“My favorite event of the week was probably yard day – not just because of the fabulous sunny and 75 degree weather, but because the cancelled event was a blessing in disguise,” Campus Ministry team member Molly Burns said. “We got to just hang out and appreciate the weather and our beautiful quad.”
The “Jesus Has a Vocation for Me?!” panel discussion with Kevin and Daria Bailey and Sr. Rose McLarney took place on Thursday.
According to Burns, the vocation panel was “really interesting.”
“There was married couple and a CSJ sister [who] told their stories of discernment and the pros and cons of their calling,” Burns said. “It was nice seeing a sister with such a fun bubbly personality and a couple that was so in love and strong in their faith and choices thus far in life.”
Participants received free star cookies for attending. The dress down theme was “Throwback Thursday.”
Catholic Schools Week concluded Jan. 30. A life-size Hungry Hungry Hippos game, was scheduled, but it was postponed to a later date. Students in a “Wacky Tacky” theme.
All proceeds from the dress down days and t-shirts benefited the Bright Futures Fund, an organization that “strives to ensure that high-quality, Catholic education is affordable to everyone,” according to its website.
“St. Teresa’s is such a special place for religions,” Burns said. “Here there are more than just Catholics and Christians, but we all still love each other and have so much common ground. With that said, I feel like Catholic Schools Week is being perceived as something for just a section of our school, and it’s not. This week is not about celebrating Catholicism, but celebrating the opportunity we have to share our religion.”