by Sara-Jessica Dilks
St. Teresa’s Academy alumna Rebecca Lueke, who went by Becca, died Monday morning around 10 a.m. in an automobile accident on Interstate 435, east of North Congress Avenue. Lueke, who was 18, graduated in May 2013 from STA and was a freshman at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kan.
An article published Monday evening by The Kansas City Star said that Lueke lost control of her vehicle, which crossed over the highway median into oncoming lanes, hit a guardrail and then was hit by a semi truck. According to police, dangerously icy roads could have played a role in the accident.
Benedictine’s sports webpage says Lueke was recruited to play basketball at the college for the 2013-2014 season. Lueke played STA varsity basketball for four years, was a team captain her senior year and helped lead STA to the 5A Missouri District Championships in 2013.
In addition to basketball, she also ran cross country and competed in track and field. Lueke was president of Care Club and attended Kairos with the K-39 group during her senior year. Lueke attended Visitation for grade school, and her parents Don and Debbie are members of the Visitation parish.
Lueke’s two older sisters graduated from STA, Allie Lueke in 2010 and Maddie Lueke in 2011. Her younger sister, Eleanor Lueke, is an STA sophomore. She also has three younger brothers: Nathaniel, Michael and William.
In the 2012 Teresian yearbook, Becca was voted by her classmates as “most likely to be a kindergarten teacher.”
DartNewsOnline welcomes the community to submit comments on this story in remembrance of Becca Lueke.

Nonna (Michele S Ohmes) • Dec 16, 2013 at 10:41 am
How tragic! my prayers go to all of you who miss her and her family
Fr. Brendan Rolling • Dec 14, 2013 at 5:42 pm
We will miss you Becca. This poem was written to honor you….
Fledgling Raven
For Rebecca Lueke
In Memoriam
One bitter cold December morn
A fledgling raven in her nest
“To fly…” she dreamt, “To fly!”
A fluttering heart her sable breast
Could scarce contain. Headlong she leapt
And swooping touched
The snow’s first winter fall.
The forest silent fell. Behold,
A tender palm her downy plumage caught
And bore aloft to heights no eye can scale.
“No nest can house a fearless heart,”
God whispered as her wings, unfurled,
Fanned out across the blue.
“Your wish is granted,” said He then,
“Seek out a higher sky.
For it is my eternal will
That ravens fly on high.”
For Becca, her family, and the St. Teresa’s Academy community with gratitude for her life from the Benedictine College community…
Poem By Dr. Edward Mulholland
Assistant Professor of Classical and Modern Languages
Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas
Nadine Redd • Dec 13, 2013 at 11:28 am
I had the pleasure of photographing Becca at the HyVee Basketball tournament last year. Prayers to her family and friends.
Jesse • Dec 11, 2013 at 3:14 pm
Rest in Peace. I wish you were still with us.
Jillian • Dec 10, 2013 at 4:34 pm
Rest in Peace Becca. Heaven gained a star yesterday. I am so grateful to have had you in my advisory. I am thankful to have been in care club with you. I will always remember the way you laughed when our food for our advisory parties were late or forgotten.
Maddie • Dec 10, 2013 at 3:26 pm
Becca, you were an amazing, caring, super special girl. I am so glad I had the chance to have you in my life for my last three years at STA. You were warm, hard-working, and a force to be reckoned with. You made cross country more enjoyable, were entertaining on the basketball court, kicked butt in the classroom, and made STA a better place to be. You’re forever a STAR, and you touched so many people with your energy, smile, and overall presence, even if you didn’t know it. Rest in peace, Becca.
Maureen • Dec 10, 2013 at 12:16 pm
Rest in Peace Becca. I remember last year in advisory when we got the chipotle lunch you stole all the soda and kept it in your locker for the rest of the year! I’m so thankful to have been in your advisory, even though it was only for a year. We lost a star yesterday, but heaven gained one.
Allie Lueke • Dec 10, 2013 at 11:54 am
Becca was truly a shining star and she definitely lit up my life. She embodied everything that I ever could want to be. I love my family with my whole heart and she was such a key component. She touched the lives of many and I know that she is looking over us all. We will all miss her quick wit, beautiful smile, and generous heart. Her compassionate spirit and love will remain with us all forever. Thank you STA for your support, love, and positive remembrance. She loved the Academy with her whole heart and some of her fondest memories were with all of you.When Becca started at STA, she was a fun loving, goofy girl who wasn’t really sure what to expect. In May, when she walked across the stage and received her diploma, she was a radiant, confident young woman. With you all she grew, strengthened her relationship with God, and became a woman that I will always admire.
I would like to share something with all of you. On Sunday night, Becca sent me one of her papers to edit, as she often did. As an English major, I usually read them over for her so this was nothing out of the ordinary. However, this paper was special. It was about the service project she did through STA. In this piece, she reflected on several experiences that touched her. Becca said it best so here is an excerpt from her work:
During nap time I was assigned as the “officially back scratcher” because the soothing touch helped them fall asleep peacefully and without fear of abuse. All the children need is attention. Through my service I learned that it is important to give back when we are blessed to have so much in our lives. I have two parents that love me and six siblings that would do anything for me – these kids don’t have that and through my service I was able to show them that they are worthy of love and affection too. This brings me closer to Christ because we are all children of God. We are worthy of love simply because we exist. I know that these children have faith because they have survived. My faith and duty to serve others brought me to The Children’s Place and I will always remember the time I have spent there.
Never forget that you all are children of God who deserve love. Love is what is going to get us all through this hard time and love is what is going to keep Becca alive in all of us. As you can see, Becca really was a remarkable young woman. You all had such a positive impact on her life and I cannot thank you enough for all the support, love, and great memories you gave her.
Many of you have asked what you can do to help. I think what Becca would have wanted is for each and every one of you to live and love with your whole heart. Give back to those around you and most importantly, never forget to laugh. Laugh at yourself, laugh at jokes, and laugh at everything in between. Becca was such a joyous and loving woman who always knew how to lighten the mood and make everything okay. Now, for Becca, we will pull together as a community and work to honor her spirit.
It really is true, once you are a “fine woman of the fine Academy” you always are one. Stay strong, stay positive and live your lives to the fullest- that is what Becca would have wanted.(It wouldn’t hurt to go all out on dress-up days either 😉 ).
STASTRONG forever,
Machella • Dec 10, 2013 at 9:25 am
Rest in peace Becca. You were the best captain I cold have ever asked for. I remember watching you eat a pan of wings with Eleanor in two minutes, wobbling during practice,and quoting our favorite twitter account constantly. You were such a great leader, especially leading us to districts last year. Your smile lit up the room the minute you walked in. I am so proud to have been a part of basketball with you as my captain. Heaven gained an amazing person and the brightest star of them all. Love you Becca.