Sporting A New School

Student athletes who have committed to play a sport in college have a world of exciting experiences ahead of them but also some new challenges. STA’s senior sports commits share what they’re looking forward to or are nervous about as well as advice for those still in the recruitment process.

by Caroline Hinkebein, Sports Editor

Grace Coppinger

Texas Christian University – Soccer – Horned Frogs

Why did you decide to play a sport in college?

I decided to play a college sport because I have played soccer ever since I was little and soccer has always been my outlet for emotions or things going on. Soccer has also given me the gift of lifelong friendships and I can’t wait to continue that at TCU.

Why did you pick this college?

I picked TCU because of the amazing atmosphere on campus, in the classrooms, and also with the team and on the field. The coaches want nothing more than for all of us to succeed and reach our goals, especially as a team. The team is so close and has many traditions. They have a pregame locker dance that they taught us on our visit that was something I really loved and gave me a feeling that this would be a perfect fit for me.

What are you most nervous about playing a sport in college?

I am most nervous about a new soccer environment. I have played with most of my teammates for 4-5 years now and a couple I’ve played with my whole life. Breaking outside of that bubble will definitely be a challenge.


Callie Harbert

University of Central Missouri – Soccer – Jennies

Why did you pick this college?

I picked this college because it’s one of the top d2 programs in the country. When I visited campus it felt like home.

What are you most excited about playing a sport in college?

I’m most excited to be a part of a community of girls who share the same values as me. I’m also excited to continue to improve as a person and a player. 

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

My advice for others in the recruiting process right now is to continue to be disciplined and never give up. Be persistent when emailing coaches and working hard behind the scenes. I tore my ACL junior year and didn’t commit until this year. There is a program out there for you if you truly want to go play college soccer. The division you go play soccer in does not determine your worth as a player.  It’s an amazing achievement to go play college soccer no matter what division. Also, Grades matter! Coaches want to see your academic success as well as your athletic ability.


Sophia Rall

Rhodes College – Soccer – Lynx

Why did you pick this college?

I chose Rhodes because it is academically prestigious and has great opportunities to be involved on campus and in the community. 

What are you most nervous about playing a sport in college?

I am most nervous about balancing schoolwork, soccer, and social life.

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

Don’t worry too much about the process because you will end up where you need to be.


Anna Lack

University of Central Missouri – Soccer – Jennies

Why did you decide to play a sport in college?

I decided to play a sport in college because I didn’t want to give up playing soccer earlier than I needed to and it has always been a goal of mine to play in college.

What are you most nervous about playing a sport in college?

I wouldn’t say I am nervous, but just being in a new environment, away from people I have spent my whole life with will be a big change for me.

Anything else you would like to add about this experience?

Enjoy the process and time you have with your current teammates because these years will be the last time you will ever get to step on a field with them.


Bri Chirpich

University of Hawaii – Soccer – Rainbow Warrior

Why did you pick this college?

I chose Hawaii because of the amazing location and the coaches who are so welcoming and kind 

What are you most nervous about playing a sport in college?

I am most nervous about just keeping up with the physical demands and earning my spot and playing time in order to be a contributing member

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

I would say just keep reaching out, stay persistent and try to connect with any coach at any school you might be remotely interested in


Sydney Swan

Elon University – Cross Country/Track – Phoenix

Why did you decide to play a sport in college?

I have enjoyed my experience competing at STA with my teammates and forming those special bonds, and I hope to have a similar experience in college.

Why did you pick this college?

I knew I wanted to go far away and go somewhere warm, and Elon afforded me the best opportunity to do that while still pursuing the career that I wanted and participating in the sport that I loved.

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

Look for a school you could see yourself at even if you don’t play a sport. You will be happier and you will enjoy the opportunity even more.


Amelia Arrieta

Villanova University – Cross Country/Track – Wildcats

Why did you decide to play a sport in college?

I’d never thought seriously about it until last fall after I had run a few cross country races and was running fairly well, especially for a first-year runner. Gans Creek really put me on the map and college coaches started reaching out to my coach, Karen Moran, or Como as we call her. She has been such a blessing to me and my family throughout this recruitment process. I couldn’t have done it without her, my parents, and my teammates.

Why did you pick this college?

After most of my visits, I felt a sense of magic, sort of like, “Wow! I love this place!” But then after a week or so, it wore off. Villanova’s magic never wore off and it just felt right. After I visited, I knew I loved it, but those doubts in my mind told me to take my other visits, just to make sure Villanova was the right choice. And I was right.

Anything else you would like to add about this experience?

I want to thank our athletic trainer Lisa who was the first person to even mention the possibility of running in college to me, way back during last track season. I also want to thank Ann Campbell, ’15, who also ran here at STA and at Villanova, and introduced me to Coach Gina at Villanova.


Saige Wimes

University of Kansas – Soccer – Jayhawks

Why did you decide to play a sport in college?

I always knew I wanted to play soccer in college because I’ve played soccer all my life, and I couldn’t imagine my life without it. I just assumed I was going to play college soccer, and it was never really something I had to think about. 

Why did you pick this college?

I picked KU because I love the coaching staff and the facilities they have to offer. I also like that I’m close to home, and my family can come out to most, if not all the games. 

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

My advice would be to reach out to as many schools as possible. Most coaches won’t have you on their radar until you express repeated interest and send your highlight videos and game schedules. I would also suggest going to as many college ID camps as you can. It’s a good way to form relationships with the coaches and show them what you can do. If you’re wanting to play college soccer or really any college sport, I would definitely set up an account with NCSA. It is so useful for colleges to contact you through the app and view your player profile. It really helped me during the recruiting process!


Sidney-Ann Morris

Western Colorado University – Swim – Mountaineers

Why did you decide to play a sport in college?

I went back and forth a lot about whether or not I wanted to swim in college. It is a really big time commitment and I really liked the idea of finally having the freedom to do what I wanted in college. However, I took a 2-week long break from swim after state, and I really missed it, so I ended up going back to the club and I am so glad that I did! At the end of the day, I love the sport of swimming enough to commit to doing it for the next 4 years, and I’m really excited!

Why did you pick this college?

Western Colorado is in the middle of the Rocky Mountains and it’s on a lake, so the students get to do all kinds of super fun activities right on campus. When I went on my official visit, the team was so welcoming and I could tell how close they were, and I absolutely loved the coach. They only have a women’s program, and their coach is a mother of 3 college-age daughters. The all-female environment reminded me so much of STA and I liked it a lot better than the co-ed programs I had visited before. 

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

TRUST IN THE PROCESS! Recruiting was one of the most stressful, overwhelming, and humbling things I have ever gone through. Not to mention, it’s something that you have to navigate on top of school and the sport you are doing. While it’s super stressful, remember the love you have for the sport, and trust that no matter what, you are going to end up right where God wants you to be.


Caroline Carter

Missouri State – Soccer – Bears

Why did you decide to play a sport in college?

I knew I wanted to play soccer in college since I was little. I just love the way soccer makes me feel and I knew I couldn’t stop after high school. 

What are you most nervous about playing a sport in college?

I am nervous to get injured because it is so awful to be hurt and not get to play.

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

My advice is to never give up as cheesy as it sounds. I tore my ACL 10 months ago and thought it was over for me, but then I set a goal for myself and fought as hard as I could to meet it. I exceeded my goal and I could not be happier. I will never take playing soccer for granted again.


Sophie Harlan

Kansas State University – Soccer – Wildcat

What are you most nervous about playing a sport in college?

Just experiencing a different soccer environment. I won’t have my little bubble that I have always had in Kansas City. 

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

Oh lord! First, I would apologize because going through the recruitment process is one of the most mentally difficult things to go through. But, I would tell them that they got this, and to believe in yourself and know that something will come their way!!

Anything else you would like to add about this experience?

Don’t forget that you are going to the school!! So pick somewhere where you know you will enjoy it outside of the soccer world


Kendall Schmitz

University of Arkansas Fort Smith – Volleyball – Lions

Why did you decide to play a sport in college?

I have been playing volleyball competitively for 10 years and fell in love with everything about the sport. It has brought some amazing people and experiences into my life all of which have had a huge impact on who I am today. So it only felt right to continue playing at the next level. 

Advice for those in the recruitment process?

Embrace the experience and be persistent. Something someone told me that stuck with me was “the worst thing that can happen is they say no”. It can be very discouraging and exhausting at times but in the end, you will find a home and when you do it will be that much more rewarding after all the time and work you have put in. Don’t give up. 

Anything else you would like to add about this experience?

I never believed people when they said time flies but they were right because it truly goes by so incredibly fast. Cherish the time you have with your sport and the people that make it what it is because soon enough it will all be over and time to move on.