Does being part of the STA sisterhood result in FOMO?
September 30, 2021
“Together, together, together everyone, Together, together, come on, let’s have some fun.”
The beginning lyrics to “We’re all in This Together” from “High School Musical,” a well-known movie series, have left many students with unattainable expectations for the high school years. The first “High School Musical,” released in 2006 on Disney channel, received 8 million views. Disney went on to create two more “High School Musical” hit movies, plus a variety of merchandise: Barbies, concerts, books, plays, shows and inspired clothing. Most high school students have been affected by the themes found in these movies in some way or another. Because of the romanticization of the traditional high school experience in movies and shows like “High School Musical,” many students experience FOMO — fear of missing out. This can be especially true at a non-traditional, all-girls Catholic institution like STA.
Despite the stellar education and dynamic learning environment provided for young women at STA, students may feel as though they are missing out on the traditional high school experience. From no dances as a freshman to the absence of homecoming court as seniors, students are often led to wonder “what if?”
What if I went to a public, co-ed school? Would I have met Taylor Swift’s projections? Would there be senior boys winking at me and saying “you know, I haven’t seen you around before?” Would I have gone on my “very first date” at 15 with an upperclassman football player whom I met at school? Many STA students are left to wonder what it would be like to have walked through the doors of a more traditional school, such as the one in Taylor Swift’s song “Fifteen,” which paints a different picture of high school life than the one experienced at St. Teresa’s.
Another void is created as students miss the chance to cheer on fellow classmates in the stands at football games. Friday night football games are major traditions for most high schools across the country. However, STA has no football team, no cheerleaders, no band and — most obvious — no boys. These differences aren’t necessarily negative, yet they do create a divide between STA and other high schools in the Kansas City area. Because of the lack of football, many STA students turn to our own sports teams as a way of supporting school spirit. Going to these events provides an outlet for socializing and brings the community together. The student section at STA volleyball games is full of silly costumes, loud voices, excitement and, most importantly, girls who are full of school pride. Although there is no Friday night football, students never miss an opportunity to support their Stars. STA has proven that football is not a defining aspect of school spirit; it is the students and the pride that they show that defines this.
Although St. Teresa’s is unique in a nontraditional aspect, the tight bond formed here between the girls has attracted students for decades. STA fosters confidence, spirit, support for each other and most importantly, a strong sisterhood, which outweighs the risk of FOMO many may feel from missing traditional high school events.