Advisories celebrate annual pumpkin carving
During Halloween, advisories come together to bond over pumpkins and food.
November 1, 2019
STA’s annual advisory Halloween party and pumpkin carving took place Oct. 31 during activity. The Halloween party is a time for an advisory to come together, bond over food and carve the annual theme into each pumpkin. Advisers and students sit together to scheme ideas about what to carve into pumpkins, and judges rank the top three from each building. This year’s theme was Disney villains, and advisories chose to carve pumpkins based off of movies such as “Dalmations 101,” “Peter Pan” and “Ariel.”
The time during both activities allows students to bond with their advisories. Senior Lauren Scofield uses this time to talk to many of the underclassmen in her advisory.
“I love being able to hang out with different girls from every grade in advisory,” Scofield said. “Coming together to create pumpkins really bonds us as a whole.”