Debate team competes at Grain Valley High School
Students on the debate team traveled to Grain Valley High School Dec. 12.
Students attend the December debate at Grain Valley High School Dec. 12. Students were dismissed during ninth period, returning home close to 8 p.m. photo courtsey of Anna Albritton
December 14, 2018
Students traveled to Grain Valley High School Dec. 12 to compete in a parliamentary debate. Students participated in the debate in pairs. The debate consisted of two rounds, with metaphorical resolutions given to define and debate for or against.
Sophomore and varsity member of the debate team Anna Albritton explained the metaphorical debate process.
“We are given an open-ended resolution. The first resolution was ‘This house believes baby it’s cold outside’,” Albritton said.
The resolution for the second round was “This house would light the lights.” Since Albritton is a varsity debater she was able to judge the novice round.
STA did not place at the debate.