Seniors experience their last advisory party

Advisories say their final farewells to seniors.

The Gargallo advisory gives their seniors Katelyn Gravely, from left, Edie Livers, Emma Boxx and Reilly Atkins a picture and a mug. Seniors experience their last advisory community day Friday. photo by Kendall Lanier

by Kendall Lanier, Sports Editor

Advisories spent time together during activities one and two Friday for a final farewell to their seniors. Advisories threw farewell parties for their seniors, some even accompanied with balloons and streamers. Many advisories prepared gifts and ordered or brought in food for their seniors. This was an emotional time for many advisories as they will be sending off the leaders of the group.

Senior Emma Boxx from the Gargallo advisory recalls her experience at her last advisory community day.

“It was bittersweet because I’m excited to see the juniors rise up as seniors when we leave, but I will miss every girl in my advisory,” Boxx said. “It has been really nice having a group of people I love talking to every morning.”

Seniors received gifts such as: bath robes, face masks, picture frames, blankets with their college colors and laundry baskets monogrammed and filled with letters.