Campus Ministry meets for weekly mass at Visitation
The school does not offer weekly mass on campus, so a group of girls from campus ministry attend 6:45 a.m. mass at Visitation Catholic Church on Tuesdays.
After the 6:45 a.m. mass, students hang out in Essner’s room until school starts. photo by Gabby Staker
January 16, 2018
Sophomore Anne Sulzer sets her alarm clock back 45 minutes on Monday nights before she goes to bed. She knows that Tuesday mornings are for Jesus.
“It’s really hard to wake up at 6:15, but then Jesus rolls up and it’s all okay,” Sulzer said.
Sulzer has been involved in campus ministry since her freshman year and is a part of the small group of girls who try to attend Tuesday morning masses at 6:45 at St. Joseph’s Chapel at Visitation Church.
Campus minister Andrea Essner extended the invitation after being asked about having optional daily or weekly masses on campus. The school currently offers monthly mass for each class.
“It’s not something that can happen right away, but I am looking into it,” Essner wrote.
After mass, the girls congregate in Essner’s office on the second floor of the M&A Building for breakfast.