French Club hosts drive to support people in Haiti
A local medical team will be travelling to Haiti in November, and will be bringing the items collected by French Club with them.
Senior Ellie Brewer places the items she bought in her advisory’s donation bag. French Club will be accepting donations until Friday. photo by Zoe Butler
October 13, 2016
This Monday through Friday, the French Club has hosted a drive to collect items that will be sent to support people in Haiti.
“I think [the goal] is just to have enough to give a good amount to the kids in Haiti,” French Club treasurer and junior Hailey Coleman said.
According to French teacher Alice Amick, a team of local doctors, nurses and staff members are travelling to Haiti in November for a six day trip in which they will help many people with a wide range of medical problems.
“[The medical team is] holding a clinic in the streets in Haiti, and they will have several days of clinic where they’re just addressing medical issues,” Amick said. “Then there are a couple of days where they’ll just be walking the streets to see how they can help.”
Amick first heard about this mission trip recently, and has been in touch with a nurse at Truman Medical Center.
“[This drive] was suggested to me by [science teacher] Taylor Scott, because she is a friend of one of the nurses involved in the mission,” Amick said. “I was very interested, because I knew that French Club and French Honors Society would identify with a French speaking nation.”
According to the medical team’s website, they will be seeing approximately 150 patients each day. The different items that are being collected in advisories will go in gift bags that will be passed out on one of the days the medical team is there.
“[French Club, French Honors Society and I] talked about what would be our goal, and we felt that participation, the level of participation would be the most important thing,” Amick said. “The second thing was the success of the team’s mission, and members of the team will come and report their results.”