Math Hub opening day weeks away
With most of the Hub’s structural renovations complete, moderator Kim Sirridge expects final pieces of furniture and glass to be installed and ready for student use within the next two to three weeks.
Where shelves once held thousands of books now rests an orange-striped carpet. Where wooden desks once stood are elevated, grey metal and plastic tables. The desk where Mrs. Hershewe once presided over crowded silent students is now an unfinished office for St. Teresa’s Academy math teachers Jo Weller and Kim Sirridge.
What was once STA’s Donnelly Hall library is now the Math Hub.
Since construction began in June after the 2015-2016 school year, two classrooms, several study spaces and group study rooms have been designed. Upon its completion, students will be encouraged to use the Math Hub for assistance and encouragement on math assignments. It will be open every period of the day and during both activities. While there is currently no specific opening date, moderator Kim Sirridge expects it to be some time in the next two to three weeks.
“It’s still a work in progress because it’s the first year that the Hub has looked like something,” Sirridge said. “Last year was our pilot year and this year is meant to create a space for students to always be able to go for math support and also be a designated space for teachers to use as curricular support.”
Mango-colored accent walls, white boards, and interactive Touch 90 screens are a common theme in the Hub’s transitional spaces.
“Be prepared for a completely new environment: very relaxed and collegiate. Colorful,” Sirridge said. “[Students] should be prepared to feel collaborative… it’s going to be interactive.”
Ultimately, Sirridge is hopeful that the space will allow students to “just let math have kind of a new personality.”

Hi! I’m Gabby Staker, a senior writing and page designing through my third year on the Dart. It’s crazy! And this time, Julia, Margaux and I are co-editors-in-chief!!...