SADD Week reminds students of consequences from destructive decisions
SAAD Club hosted a week of awareness activities before junior ring and prom to remind students the importance of making smart decisions regarding alcohol and drugs.
Sophomore Maeve Madden participated in SADD Week by representing one girl’s story in death due to an overdose on Grim Reaper Day. photo by Zoe Butler
April 7, 2016
This past week, the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club hosted a week of activities to make students more cautious of their decisions, especially the students attending junior ring and prom.
During this whole week, there has been a driving simulator in the Commons, in which students can experience what it’s like to drive distracted or impaired. The club also hosted a mandatory assembly Wednesday in which police officer Phil DiMartinez and firefighter Ben Schloegel spoke and answered questions about DUIs, MIPs and other related subjects. And today, students participated in Grim Reaper Day, where a few students wore signs telling different stories of how they “died” or were affected by a death that stemmed from a poor decision.
According to co-president of SADD Club, junior Martina Florido, the club worked with First Call employee Michelle Irwin, who works to bring awareness to destructive decisions within high schools. Irwin helped with the driving simulator and guest speakers.
Florido said that SADD Week is an important time to bring awareness to the importance of safe driving and making smart decisions regarding drugs and alcohol.
“SADD Club realizes that some people will still use drugs and alcohol; however, we want to inform as many people as possible about the risks they are taking,” Florido said. “Even if we only reach one person, the entire SADD Week would be worth it, because that could mean lives have potentially been saved through someone’s decision to stay sober.”
SADD Club member and sophomore Maureen Egan agrees with the importance of SADD Week.
“I think SADD Week is important for everyone, because it causes everyone to really think about the decisions they are going to make in the upcoming weekend and if that decision is destructive,” Egan said.
Although all of the activities planned hold importance, the most important one to Florido is Grim Reaper Day.
“It holds the most power because the stories of the dead are incredibly relatable, and it also shows how one choice can easily escalate,” Florido said.
According to Florido, SADD Club has been preparing from around the end of homecoming season for SADD Week, and chose this week in particular.
“It is really the most important time for the club, because the juniors and seniors are the only people going to dances which increases the risk of someone being injured due to reckless driving,” Florido said.