2015-16 News Feed Compilation: Issue 4
Current events from around world, country, state and the city.
The Colorado Springs Police Honor Guard carries in the casket of Garrett Swasey, the 44-year-old University of Colorado at Colorado Springs police officer and six-year veteran of the department, during the funeral service at New Life Church on Friday, Dec. 4, 2015, in Colorado Springs, Colo. Swasey was killed Nov. 27 after responding to a shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, which left two others dead and 12 injured. (Stacie Scott/Colorado Springs Gazette/TNS) photo courtesy of MCT Campus
December 5, 2015
In the World
Though Turkey denies any ties to ISIS, Russia has accused the country of shooting down its warplane near the border of Syria in order to protect oil trade with the Islamic group. The Turkish government has refused to apologize for the incident, claiming the jet entered their airspace.
In the U.S.
Robert Lewis Dear is suspected to be responsible for three deaths in the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting Nov. 27. Authorities believe Dear was trying to shoot propane tanks located near his car to cause an explosion.
In Missouri
The House Budget and Senate Appropriations committees met Nov. 30 looking to find ways to stop Syrian refugees from entering Missouri. Dozens of lawmakers have advised blocking refugees from Missouri, stating concern over the lenience in the screening process and how this could lead to admitting terrorists into the state.
In Kansas City
In Kansas City
Human remains were found at the house of Michael A. Jones after the police were called to investigate a domestic disturbance. The body is suspected to belong to Jones’s son, A.J., who has been missing for an extended period of time.