STA offices no longer distributing candy
STA president Nan Bone prohibited the handing out of candy from school offices.
Juniors Laura Kieffer and Bailey Mitchell hug each other for support after learning candy will no longer be distributed from the development office. photo illustration by Elsa Feigenbaum
October 27, 2015
As junior Lydia Lundquist sat at home Sept. 17, she was unable to understand the reasoning behind the email she just read. Junior Laura Kieffer felt almost offended by the words on the screen before her. The message from STA President Nan Bone was the same: “I’m asking all students to refrain from stopping by offices [for candy] in the future.”
According to Bone, when starting her position as president she faced the challenge of meeting the student body while sitting in a desk down a student-forbidden hallway. Her solution? Candy. A solution that was also shared by other offices and the development offices.
Of her eight years at STA, Bone says the candy system has been in place at least six. At first the candy system was very successful, but as time passed word of mouth spread. Though she was still continually able to meet with students in this manner, she started to notice that while she was in meetings girls would simply walk right in, get candy, then walk back out without speaking to her.
“It got to be seriously a little bit of trick or treating everyday,” Bone said. “And we’re supplying that. It was not healthy.”
According to Bone, the development office was Grand Central Station in regards to traffic, estimating a large Costco bag of candy lasted less than a week. One student told Bone there used to be a traffic jam created from a line of students awaiting candy, preventing her from going downstairs. Kieffer also shared a similar experience.
“I wasn’t ever late to class,” Kieffer said. “But everyone would be backed up in the hall because everyone would be trying to get candy from the development office.”
However, Bone believes the candy caused a greater disruption to the faculty than the students. She and development office worker Theresa Egelhoff agree the candy had become a distraction to their work. Bone noted this especially during her experiences in the development office.
“I couldn’t even get through a sentence where girls were ‘Hey can I grab?,’ ‘Are you out of?’or ‘Do you have?” Bone said. “[Students] just circled in and circled out, and some would stop and give a hug with the candy. I would just say it was a little chaotic.”
Though Bone knew it would be an unpopular decision, she decided it would be best to remove the candy system from the offices.
“To go back to the purpose of [the candy] was to get to know the student body,” Bone said. “And it had gotten lost. So we decided it’s time maybe just to get back to making our offices a little bit more professional.”