by Natalie Fitts, photos by Maria Donnelly
How did you become interested in film?
When I made the Aaron Carter [parody music] video. I’ve always made stupid iMovie videos of myself on my friends’ computers.
Do you already have any experience in filmmaking?
I made a video for the [STA] El Salvador [service] trip. I’m working on making a video with the kids I’m babysitting. We’re making this music video to [Katy Perry’s] “Roar.” We’re giving it to their parents for Christmas.
What are your plans for college?
I want to major in [film]. I’m not sure if I want to [focus on] directing or editing. I’m going to look at schools in California.
What would be your dream job in filmmaking?
Anything that wins an Oscar. That way I could get up on stage and be in the background.
What types of films would you want to make?
Comedy. [Other than movies], I’d like to make commercials and music videos.
Do you have any specific ideas for films you would want to make?
Random ideas pop into my head of videos that I would make to get into college. One of them would be called “The Faces of Kansas City.” It would be close-up shots of people with a song [playing]. It would just be a diverse group of people, and everyone would say one word. The instrumental parts would be people dancing in front of Kansas City landmarks.
Why do you like making videos?
I don’t know. It’s just really fun to see what it looks like at the end.
Who would you want to work with?
Steve Carell. Any comedian. Steve, Tina [Fey], the greats. Or Leonardo DiCaprio.
How are you preparing for a future in film?
I’m taking playwriting next year.