by Leigh Campbell and photo by Julia Hammond
Senior Giggy Reardon first started coming to the help desk two years ago as a class. Since then, she can be seen there regularly during frees and lunch/activity, but not for computer help.
“I feel like the help desk is more relaxed [than other classrooms], and there is not very many people because it is such a small room,” Reardon said. “I can be working on my computer, looking up stuff or studying and just kind of hang out too if I want to do that.”
According to junior help desk regular Sabrina Saleh, the same people usually come to the help desk every day.
“I always know a couple people who are in here,” Reardon said.
But familiarity is not the main reason the Help Desk has formed a small community of girls. According to senior Molly Waris, the man in charge of the Help Desk, Jeff Zimmerman, serves as the group’s “dad.”
“The help desk is my home and Mr. Zimmerman is my dad,” Waris said. “And we are the children.”
Reardon agreed that she also has a close relationship to Zimmerman.
“I talk to [Zimmerman] more than he responds, but we always just kind of hang out,” Reardon said. “He is actually pretty close with us. You tell him what is going on in your life, and he just listens. He will say some funny remarks here and there and tell funny stories.”
In this Help Desk “community,” Saleh and Reardon also agreed on the convenience of the Help Desk location. Reardon has most of her classes in Donnelley Hall, as well as her advisory.
“There is a charger for your netbook,” Saleh said. “You can write on the desks. It is quiet and you have a printer right there.”
But according to Reardon, the Help Desk has evolved into more than just a place to hang out.
“The Help Desk is my experience at STA,” senior Help Desk regular Frannie Wilkinson said.
Saleh agreed, seeing the Help Desk “as more of a socialization room” than a study space. Zimmerman’s laid-back attitude also contributes to the “fun atmosphere,” Saleh said.
“There are not strict rules,” Saleh said. “[Zimmerman] thinks we are independent people.”
According to Zimmerman, he is impartial to any students that come to the help desk. Despite the room’s popularity, Zimmerman said this will be the last year that he will allow students in the room during free periods.