by Madeline Best
Junior Emmie McCabe discuses music and theater at this month’s artist of the issue.
What type of music do you sing/perform?
Well I have a vocal teacher who primarily teaches me classical style of singing. I also sing a lot of classical with STA Singers. Every once and awhile I’ll hear a pop song that I like and I’ll mess around with it, just for fun.
When did you start performing?
The first musical I was in was The Music Man when I was in fifth grade, so I guess that’s when I started.
Why did you decide to start singing and acting?
I’m not quite sure to be honest, it’s just always felt like where I’m supposed to be. I always got excited when I saw people perform when I was little, and I knew I wanted to do that someday.

What singers/actors are your inspirations?
Charlene Kaye, who is a singer and guitarist, is wonderful. She makes me want to sing all day long and I wish I was her.
What productions have you been in recently?
I was recently in Almost, Maine at STA. Outside, I have been in A Christmas Carol at the KC Rep for two years in a row. I am currently in rehearsals for another show at the Rep, Carousel. I was also recently in Seussical last December with Music Theatre for Young People.
What’s your favorite thing about music?
If you’ve ever played a guitar, you know that sound you get when you finish a song and it’s still bouncing around inside the body of the guitar. It is such a great sound and it’s different every time. That’s something I love about music.
How are you involved in music and drama at STA?
I’m in STA Singers and Praise Band. I’ve also been on crew for most of the theatre productions since my freshman year, and I played Marci in the most recent STA production of Almost, Maine.
What advice would you give to someone looking to get into music?
Just like everything else, music is very complicated but very beautiful. At times you’re gonna feel like you have been going no where and you will get no where with music, but other times music feels fantastic. Music will always be there to pick you up, so keep trying.
What type of instruments do you play?
I play guitar mostly, and a little piano.
Do you plan to pursue music or acting in the future?
Yeah, I’m planning on either majoring or minoring in Theatre. I think I might join a couple choirs in college, but I’m not planning on studying music much. I’ll always play guitar though, that’ll never change.