by Emily McCann
1. Most played song on your iPod?
Probably Live Like You’re Dying by Tim McGraw.
2. Morning person or a night owl?
I’m a night owl I usually go to bed around midnight.
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be an interior designer because i like designing rooms and making things look cool.
4. Waldo Pizza or Chick-fil-A?
Waldo Pizza. I probably like pepperoni pizza and a Sprite.
5. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do?
I would probably fly to NYC with all my friends and stay in a really awesome hotel and go around Times Square.
6. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
I like driving down to Florida and seeing my cousins. We go to the beach and we have a picnic.
7. Who was the last person you hugged?
Probably one of my friends. I don’t really know.
8. Best vacation you ever took?
I went to North Carolina this summer with my best friend Madeline [Cozad] and we stayed at Hilton Head Island for a week.
9. If you got a day off school to do anything what would you do?
I would honestly probably just hang out with my friends and take a road trip to visit my sister at Mizzou.
10. Favorite thing about STA?
I like the people and the advisory parties just the fun atmosphere.
11. What are two things you can’t live without?
My phone and my headphones for like music. In general just like music.
12. What is your dream college?
My dream college would have to be on the beach in California. It would have to be really pretty and near a big city.
13. Scary movies or romantic comedies?
I like scary movies and I love the movie Case 39. It’s like a small movie. It’s on Netflix.
14. Do you want to live in KC when you grow up?
I would prefer to live somewhere hot because I don’t like cold weather.
15. M&A or Donnelly?
Donnelly, because M&A always smells bad and its cold so I don’t like it.
16. Cats, dogs or reptiles?
Definitely cats. I have two named Violet and Theove.
17. How many siblings?
I have two sisters. One younger sister in 8th grade and an older sister who is a sophomore in college.
18. Dream car?
I’d probably say a Jeep maybe like a black Jeep Wrangler.
19. Your style in one word.
Girly. My favorite outfit to wear would be skinny jeans and a big sweater and a scarf.
20. Which celebrity would you switch places with for a day?
I would switch with Miley Cyrus because she has really awesome hair and an amazing life since she is crazy.