photos by Jordan Allen, audio by Anna Leach and Lauren Langdon
Students enrolled in choir at STA, as well as choir students from outside schools, gathered in the Music & Arts’ auditorium on Oct. 10 to put on the Fall Choir Concert. This was new choir teacher Greg Monsma’s first choir performance at STA. Monsma’s friend Mr. Filip Lazovski played the violin and STA student Lizzie Sanders played the tambourine during some of the songs.
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Concert Choir
Cantante Domino
Heart We Will Forget HimĀ
Mass Choir
The Lord is My Shepherd
A Cappella Choir
In You I Found
Shine On Me
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Varsity Choir
O Occhi Manza Mia
Cry Out and Shout
St. Teresa’s Academy Singers
Sound the Trumpet
And Nature Smiled
Kala Kalla
Students’ Reaction