by Emily McCann
For our first edition of 20 questions, the Dart interviewed freshman Hayley Burgess. Burgess is a member of the Himes advisory and the youngest member of the freshman class. She plays tennis and wants to try out for a Rockhurst High School musical or STA play.
1. Most played song on your iPod?
“Stand Up” by One Direction
2. Morning person or a night owl?
Night owl
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?
4. Waldo Pizza or Chick-fil-A?
Waldo Pizza
5. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do?
Probably buy front row concert tickets
6. Dream first name?
7. Who was the last person you hugged?
[Freshman] Sophie Prochnow
8. Best vacation you ever took?
9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
10. Cell phone provider?
11. What is your favorite color?
12. If you were another person, why would you be friends with you?
I’m really optimistic and I try to be nice to everyone
13. Scary movies or romantic comedies?
Scary movies
14. Bistro Kids or JoJo’s?
Bistro Kids [I never had JoJo’s]
15. M&A or Donnelly?
16. Cats, dogs or reptiles?
17. How many siblings?
One, [an] older brother
18. Dream car?
Light blue bug convertible
19. Your style in one word.
20. Which celebrity would you switch places with for a day?
Taylor Swift