Melissa Ohden kicks off Catholic Schools Week
Melissa Ohden shared her experience as an abortion survivor through her Catholic lens Jan. 28.
Melissa Ohden speaks to STA students and faculty against a backdrop of her as a baby Jan. 28. Ohden is a Catholic convert and speaks on her life experiences of following God’s plan and spreading her message. photo by Lily Hart
January 28, 2019
STA hosted pro-life speaker Melissa Ohden Jan. 28. She shared her experience as an abortion survivor to begin Catholic Schools Week. This serves to unite Catholic schools across the country and is celebrated through masses, celebrations and activities.
Freshman Scarlett Tharp found the assembly eye-opening.
“I thought it was a great way to kick [Catholic Schools Week] off because I feel like it gave people a new opinion,” Tharp said. “I’m more open-minded now. I have different views since I got that new perspective.”
The rest of this week will continue with an all-school mass Wednesday, Praise Band practice, Mass reader training and optional discussions with director of ministry and service Andrea Arredondo during activity periods.