Home for the holidays

Christmas is more enjoyable when spent at home.


by Hannah Bredar


“Oh there’s no place like home for the holidays”

I stand by this statement and song lyric 100 percent when it comes to the constant dispute over traveling for the holidays. Whether it is Thanksgiving, Christmas or even New Year’s Eve, I have never found as much happiness and joy anywhere other than Kansas City.

Even though I love traveling, the energy and comfort that Kansas City provides during these times is unmatchable. I have experienced Thanksgiving in Arizona, Texas and California however none of them compare to the satisfying winter chill of standing on the Plaza for hours during the famous lighting ceremony. And as much as I love warm weather and the beach, Christmas in Florida does not stand close to the fresh snow and scenic lights of this truly killer city.

The refreshing smell of my family Christmas tree, the weather and overall feeling of Kansas City are just a couple reasons why staying home is so worthwhile. Why spend almost three hours packed like sardines with complete strangers in a claustrophobic airplane to spend the holidays in a hotel or condo? I would much rather be surrounded by the horrible road conditions and crowded Suicide Hill sledding if it means that I get to stay home during this time of the year.

Rather than decorating a palm tree with ornaments and sunbathing on New Year’s Eve, my ideal “Christmas in Paradise” is sitting in front of a warm fireplace and ice skating on a frozen-over neighborhood pond. Because “for the holidays, you can’t beat home, sweet home.”